PlayStation Exclusives giveaway key art

PlayStation Exclusives Giveaway Winners

Last week, we partnered up with PlayStation Greece in order to offer four lucky winners a chance at winning a copy of either Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Collection or Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, two of the most prestigious PlayStation Exclusives released in the past year! We would like to thank PlayStation Greece for providing the prizes; two keys for each game adding up to four winners in total.

We used the Simpliers app in order to pick the winners for these PlayStation Exclusives, a tool specifically made for conducting giveaways through Instagram. Unfortunately, we could not stream the giveaway process on Instagram, as we usually do, because of unforeseen technical difficulties, specifically a super shaky Greek internet connection.

Nonetheless, the app managed to pick four winners, exactly as we needed. The winners of the PlayStation Exclusives giveaway are:

  • _.kgiorgos._ (Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Collection – PS4/PS5)
  • _nora.tsp_ (Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut – PS4/PS5)
  • kosnikgl (Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Collection – PS4/PS5)
  • jordanis_kiou (Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut – PS4/PS5)

We will be contacting the winners as soon as possible to hand over the prizes, unless they contact us first. We would like to thank everyone for participating in this PlayStation Exclusives giveaway, and for the constant support!

If you didn’t get lucky in this giveaway, please stay tuned because we have a lot of new and exciting giveaways planned for the following weeks. In fact, we are already running another giveaway, for one of Hasbro’s Galactic Snackin’ Grogu (The Child/Baby Yoda) from The Mandalorian, in partnership with BGeek partners! You can enter the giveaway by clicking on the post below:

George Makridis

Posts published: 148

Editor in Chief. Studying Communication & Media. Listening to Hip-Hop. Watching advanced humor sitcoms and dumb superhero flicks. Has way too many games in his library and not that much time to actually play them.