Bethesda Game Studios revealed what their next season of Fallout 76 will be all about, Fallout Worlds. After private worlds for Fallout 1st members, Bethesda is ready to expand on the options you have for your private world. Hence, the name Fallout Worlds.
TLDR; What does Fallout Worlds entail?
Basically, you will get a new option when loading into a server. Right now we have Adventure and Private Adventure, Fallout Worlds will add two Worlds servers.
One server created by Bethesda Game Studios with a certain rule set to create a unique experience on those servers. Secondly, a custom world, here the creator of the world has full control over the settings of the world. And can fine-tune many things to their own liking.
Hold up, all settings?
Creators of a custom world can fine-tune everything about their world and the experience. Fully customizing the restrictions or freedom you want to give yourself and your friends.
For example, changing the build limits, the PVP rules, harder survival settings, higher jumping, no fall damage to infinite ammo and creature spawns. All of this and the list of options you can tune will continue to expand according to Bethesda Game Studios.
Shut up and take my money.
Well, the option to create a Fallout World’s custom world is only available to Fallout 1st members. But Fallout 1st members can invite anyone to their own world, Fallout 1st member or not. So if you have a friend that has the membership, you could work out your perfect world together and play exactly the way you want it.
Fallout Worlds breaks Fallout 76
We (Romy and Dwergberg) played Fallout 76 for some time. Dwergberg played on release, and with every major expansion, went back in to check out the new content. Romy dipped her toes in, but liked The Elder Scrolls Online (Blackwood review here) more for its beautiful world and stories to explore.
And hence we feel like Bethesda Game Studios is changing the type of game Fallout 76 is with the Worlds Are Changing season. The options they give you are potentially game breaking compared to players that don’t have Fallout 1st. It makes grinding easier, no strain on your pool of resources of ammo and aid items.
But most of all, the Tales From The Stars winter Season introduces four star legendaries. Instead of a new grind where you explore the world and its locations for legendary enemies; Fallout 1st members can set up pure grinding worlds for them and their friends and gain the advantage.
Let’s not cry wolf too soon and wait for the full details on Fallout Worlds. But Fallout 76 is changing for sure.